Hello Everyone:
I hope that you had a great summer! Here are a list of meetings for September, all are in the United Cultures Resource Room of the Hyannis Youth and Community Center:
Tuesday, September 11th 5:45pm socialize 6-7pm HySOY general meeting--initiatives, programs, vote for new treasurer
Saturday, September 15th 11am-2pm Cape & Islands Family Festival at the Cape Cod Mall.
Tuesday, September 18th 5:15pm socialize 5:30-7pm HySOY meeting--Technology--bring your laptop, IPad or email us if you need one to use--we'll go over email, spreadsheets, lists and other useful things.
Email me if you are tech savvy and can provide childcare instead.
Thursday, September 20th 3:30-4:30pm Homework Help Training for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.
Tuesday, September 25th 4-6pm Homework Help Training for ADULTS. Any adult interested in helping out with Homework Help should attend this training.
Tuesday, September 25th 5:45pm socialize 6pm--HySOY Meeting--programming, administrative tasks for Mentoring & Homework Help
Wednesday, September 26th 7 to 8:30pm--HySOY Mentoring Training for mentors at Hyannis West Elementary School
Please email me back if you plan to attend any or all of these meetings. Everyone is always welcome and we'd love to add some new members to our core group this year!
Moira Bundschuh
HySOY, Inc Director